Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

Before and After School Care and Vacation Care

Dominican School operates both Before and After School Care services for our families, as well as care on school Pupil Free days and Vacation Care.

Out of Hours Care (OSHC) offers students a great variety of physical, social and creative activities in a fun relaxed and caring environment.

Contact the OSHC Director, on oshc@dominican.catholic.edu.au or 0408 844 306 for the OSHC Enrolment Form and Family Information Booklet. Alternatively, download the OSHC Enrolment Form here. 

Initial bookings need to be made by contacting the OSHC Director.

OSHC use the SPIKE Parent Booking System, allowing you to view your child's bookings, health and dietary needs, as well as invoices and statements. Via the system, we will also send messages, activities (including photos), notes and alerts. Download information on accessing the SPIKE App here.

OSHC Hours

Before School Care begins at 7.30am each school day.

After School Care begins at 3.05pm and closes at 6.00pm each school evening.

Vacation Care operates during School Holiday periods from 7.30am to 6.00pm each weekday.

Pupil Free days operate from 7.30am to 6.00pm when advised.


Before School Care: $12 per attendance (7.30 am to 8.30 am)
After School Care: $21 per attendance (permanent) and $25 per attendance (casual 3.05 pm to 6.00 pm)

Pupil Free Day, Normal Day onsite: $65 per day
Pupil Free Day, with Incursion (onsite): $70.00 per day
Pupil Free Day, with Excursion (offsite): $75.00 per day

Vacation Care,  Normal Day onsite: $65 per day
Vacation Care, with Incursion (onsite): $70 per day
Vacation Care, with Excursion (offsite): $75 per day 

Enquire about OSHC

All enquires need to be made through OSHC:

Paula Northeast, OSHC Director
Email: oshc@dominican.catholic.edu.au
Phone:  0408 844 306

OSHC Handbook.PNG

OSHC Handbook