Term 1, Week 9 2025
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
As we approach the end of Term 1, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the many exciting events and activities that have taken place at our school. It has been a busy and vibrant term, filled with class incursions and excursions, engaging learning conversations, whole school celebrations, and thrilling sports carnivals.
Our students have shown incredible enthusiasm and participation in all these events, making this term truly memorable. With only two weeks left, and Sports Day, Swimming and Holy Week Liturgies still to take place, I know everyone is looking forward to a well-deserved and relaxing holiday break.
We are excited to announce our upcoming Colour Run on Friday May 16th. This is a fun initiative organised by our Parents & Friends (P&F) group to raise money for valuable school resources. This event promises to be a fantastic day filled with laughter, colour, and community spirit.
We encourage all families to join in the fun and support this wonderful cause. It's a great opportunity for everyone to come together, enjoy some outdoor activity, and make lasting memories. Our students will have a blast getting splashed with colourful powder, and some of our teachers are ready to get slimed for a good cause!
Your participation and support will help us provide essential resources that enhance our students' learning experiences. Let's make this Colour Run a huge success and show our school spirit!
On March 18th, our school community came together to celebrate Harmony Day, a significant occasion that aligns with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This day is dedicated to promoting inclusiveness, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone, regardless of cultural or linguistic background. At Dominican, we believe it is essential to recognise and celebrate the diverse cultures that enrich our community.
In the afternoon, we also celebrated Japanese Cultural Day, reflecting the language taught at our school. The students enjoyed a shared sushi lunch and were thrilled by a Japanese drumming incursion. These activities provided a wonderful opportunity for our students to engage with and appreciate Japanese culture firsthand.
The day was filled with reflection, learning, acceptance, and acknowledgment of the many different cultures we have at Dominican and in Australia. It was heartening to see our students embrace the values of Harmony Day and participate enthusiastically in all activities. Such events are vital in fostering an inclusive and harmonious environment where every student feels valued and respected.
Thank you for your continued support in making our school a place where diversity is celebrated and every student can thrive.

In Week 10, we will begin selling tickets for our student Easter raffle! Please don't forget to bring in Easter Egg and prize donations, which are being collected in the front office. The more donations we receive, the more prizes our students can win! Raffle tickets will go on sale next week, priced at $1 each. Please note that students can purchase a maximum of 5 tickets.
This Easter raffle is exclusively for students, and tickets can only be bought from your child's class teacher. All money raised will be donated to Project Compassion. Thank you for your support and generosity!
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the parents/caregivers who participated in the learning conversations this week. Your involvement and interest in your child's learning are truly appreciated. It takes a village to raise a child, and we are blessed to have an amazing one here at Dominican.
I also want to thank our students for their hard work and efforts. Their dedication to learning is inspiring. A special thank you goes to our teachers for providing outstanding teaching and learning opportunities that allow our students to thrive and be the best they can be.
I would like to welcome our new school board members who were elected last week at our AGM:
- Karina Miller, parent of Genevieve and SooHyeon
- Tom Dunstan, parent of Charlie
- Emma Jeffs, parent of Patrick and Jack
- Sarah King, parent of Bailey
- Angeline Wati, parent of Peyton
- Genevieve Spencer, Staff Representative
We are excited to have them join us and look forward to working together to continue making our school a wonderful place for our students.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank our previous board members for their support and contributions. Their dedication and hard work have been invaluable to our school community. A special thank you goes to Ben Evans, who has served as our chairperson for the last five years. Ben’s vision, guidance, and unwavering support have been instrumental in our success.
Last week, we held our Annual General Meeting (AGM), and I would like to thank all the parents/caregivers and staff who attended. During the AGM, we had the Carly Ryan Foundation present to our school community about cyber safety. This is an incredibly important topic, and the presentation helped us to understand the potential dangers of the online world and how to navigate it safely. The foundation's work is crucial in educating our students, parents, and staff about protecting themselves and others from online harm.
A big congratulations to all our Year 3 and Year 5 students for their incredible hard work and efforts during the two weeks of NAPLAN assessments. Their commitment, focus, and participation have been truly commendable.
We are all very proud of the dedication they have shown in preparing for and completing these assessments. Their positive attitude and determination have not gone unnoticed. We thank them once again for their outstanding efforts. Keep up the great work!
As we journey through the season of Lent, it is a time for reflection, renewal, and preparation for Easter. Pope Francis, in his Lenten message, calls us to be people of hope. He reminds us that Lent is a season of grace, where we are invited to deepen our relationship with God and to renew our commitment to living out the Gospel.
Pope Francis encourages us to embrace hope, even in the face of challenges and difficulties. He reminds us that hope is not just a passive waiting but an active trust in God's promises. It is about believing that God is always with us, guiding us, and working for our good.
During Lent, we focus on prayer, fasting, and giving to others. These practices help us remember what truly matters and grow in our love for God and those around us. Let us be inspired by Pope Francis' message and strive to be people of hope, bringing light and love to those around us. May this season of Lent be a time of deep spiritual growth and renewal for all of us.
Students and families are reminded to be wary of approaches from strangers, especially when they are unaccompanied or travelling to and from school. If they are approached students should not respond and should not accept offers of rides or gifts.
Students should seek the assistance of other nearby adults if they feel unsafe and should report the event to a trusted adult (parent or school staff member) as soon as possible.
SA Police advises that taking out a mobile phone and calling police can deter the offender and they recommend the student making a formal report to their closest police station.
For guidance on what to teach your child about strategies for saying safe, view this link: SAPOL Personal Safety | Safety for Young People
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. We look forward to more exciting adventures and learning experiences in the terms ahead.
Angela Scodella
We are excited to announce that Fr. Josy Sebastian will be joining the Lefevre Catholic Community as our new Parish Priest. Fr. Josy comes to us from the Noarlunga-Seaford and Willunga Parish, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to serving the Church and its members. We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Deacon Tim for his unwavering support and guidance during this transition period. Fr. Josy will officially begin his ministry with us at the end of April, and we look forward to welcoming him into our community. Please keep him in your prayers as he begins this new chapter in his journey with us.
Last week our Year 3/4 classes had the opportunity to visit Sacred Heart Church for an enriching learning experience! They explored the significance of the key features within the Church and delved into the parts of the Mass. A big thank you to Bernadette, Fr. Joash and our Year 3/4 Teachers for guiding our students through this important learning journey. It was a valuable experience for our students to connect with their faith and explore these meaningful aspects of the Church and Mass.

As we journey through Lent in this special Jubilee Year of 2025, our school community reflects on our path as Pilgrims of Hope. Like pilgrims on a journey, we are all moving toward the light of Easter, filled with faith and hope. During this time of prayer, reflection, and giving, we strengthen our connections with God and one another, embracing both challenges and joys. Though we may face struggles along the way, Easter reminds us of the hope, renewal, and joy that await us. Together, we walk in faith, supporting each other as we prepare for the resurrection and the gift of new life.
Our support of Project Compassion is one way of putting our faith into action and uniting against poverty this Lent. Thank you for your generosity in donating to this year’s appeal. It would be much appreciated if all Project Compassion boxes are returned to school by Tuesday 8th April.
In Week 11, we celebrate Holy Week, the most important week in our Church year, when we remember and reflect on the last days of Jesus’ life before His death and resurrection. We honour the powerful gospel stories that take us from Jesus’ welcome into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to the sharing of bread and wine with His disciples at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, to His suffering and crucifixion on Good Friday, and, finally, to His joyous resurrection on Easter Sunday.
As a school community, we will come together with hope-filled hearts and hands to celebrate these important events through prayer, reflection, and action. You are all warmly invited to join us for our Holy Week Liturgies:
Palm Sunday Liturgy, led by our Receptions on Tuesday 8th April 9am.
Holy Thursday Liturgy, led by our Year 1/2 classes on Thursday 10th April 9am.
Good Friday Liturgy, led by our Year 3/4 classes on Friday 11th April 9am.
Easter Liturgy, led by our Year 5/6 classes on Tuesday 29th April 9am (Term 2).
For information regarding Parish Holy Week Celebrations, please see the attached flyer.
We thank our loving God for the gift of His Son Jesus, through his death and resurrection we have received new life. May our Risen Christ inspire us to be truly Gospel people bringing the love of Jesus to all.
Wishing you and your families all the blessings of a joyous Easter filled with love, peace and hope.
Martina Kovacev
On March 18th, we celebrated Harmony Day and Japanese Cultural Day with a mix of food, music, and hands-on experiences. As part of our Japanese studies, we enjoyed a delicious sushi lunch from Swish Sushi on Semaphore Road.
The highlight of the day was an energetic Taiko drumming performance by Matsuri Taiko. Students joined in on stage, practicing rhythms and Japanese phrases—a fantastic experience for our future Drum Corp members!
If you’d like to experience more of Japanese culture, the Kodomo no Hi Festival (Children’s Day) in May at Unley Town Hall offers a fantastic cultural experience for the whole family.

Mayumi Wong
This term, the year 6 students have started on a high note, with our Drum Corp Group. Fuelled by energy and excitement, these budding musicians have been engaged in learning their new song for the year.
In our sessions, students have come together to craft beats, learn techniques, and fine-tune their ensemble skills. The Drum Crop program promises to be more than just a musical venture; it’s an opportunity for teamwork, leadership, and building confidence. Whether preparing for school events or simply enjoying the sound of music, this group is set to become the heartbeat of Year 6.
We can’t wait to see these enthusiastic drummers participate in their first performance on Sport's Day and show their skills.

Sophie Teakle

Paula Northeast
On Tuesday, 25 March, 29 enthusiastic athletes from our school proudly represented Dominican at the SAPSASA Athletics Carnival held at the Port Adelaide Athletics Club. Competing against other schools in the Port SAPSASA district, our students embodied the spirit of teamwork, determination, and sportsmanship.
The day was filled with impressive individual performances, with many of our athletes achieving results in their respective events. As a team, Dominican achieved an outstanding 4th place overall.
A special thank you goes to Denisa, as well as Jack and Sheyna, for their assistance with supervision on the day.
Well done to all our athletes for their incredible achievements and for representing Dominican with such excellence.
Matthew Annetta

Join the Exciting Children's University Program!
We’re thrilled to offer students the opportunity to participate in Children’s University (CU)—a program designed to inspire a love of learning through engaging, out-of-school activities. Open to students aged 5-14, CU encourages exploration beyond the classroom, helping children discover new interests and future career aspirations.
Led by the University of Adelaide, CU provides each participant with a Passport to Learning to track their educational journey. After completing the required learning hours, students celebrate their achievements at a formal graduation ceremony.
Students can access a variety of validated learning activities at school, online, and within the community. A full list of Learning Destinations and online activities is available through the CU Portal once enrolled.
2025 Membership Details
- Annual fee: $38.50 per child (includes first-year Passport)
- School Card Holders: $16.50 per child
- Replacement Passports: $7.70 each
To register for CU in 2025, please submit the completed form via QR code and payment by Friday, 28th March. Payments can be made in person at the school or via QKR!.
📢 Important: Passports and Portal access will only be provided once payment is received.
Join us in fostering a lifelong love of learning—sign up today!
Kim Murphy
This week’s character strength focus is flexibility. Flexible thinking is the ability to think about things in a new or different way. It is also an important part of self-regulation and handling big emotions. When kids are able to think flexibly about a problem, they're more likely to cope if things don't go according to plan.
Managing disappointment or uncertainty is hard. It’s important to validate kids’ feelings before trying to move on. For example, “I know you’re sad the play date was cancelled. I’m sorry. That’s really hard.” When kids are ready, invite them to help come up with ideas for making the best of difficult changes. When kids feel like part of the team, they’ll feel more in control and have the chance to practice their flexible thinking skills.
We can help develop flexible thinking by modelling it for your child, it will help them learn to practice it themselves. Let your child see you work through problems. When your child sees you handle with changes in a reasonable way, they’ll be more likely to do the same.
Providing children with advance warning when expectations or routines are going to change and explain the reasons why can help them to cope better. Some children also respond to visuals reminders of a change of routine to reinforce what they have been told.
Lisa Osborne

The Sustainability Committee is thrilled to kick off the Officeworks Pen and Marker Recycling Program at our school! This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to reducing waste and promoting sustainability. Students and staff are encouraged to recycle their used pens, markers, and highlighters, which will be taken to Officeworks for recycling. This program not only helps divert waste from landfills but also teaches the importance of recycling and caring for our planet. We’re excited to see everyone get involved and make a positive impact on the environment!
Lincoln M & Lachlan B (Sustainability Committee Members)
Congratulations to RM for being crowned our Eco-Warrior Class Champions, with the highest number of nude food lunch boxes! Your commitment to reducing waste and promoting sustainability is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work, RM!
Student Representative Council