Dear Community Members
Welcome back to the new term. I sincerely hope that the holiday break allowed you to rejuvenate and experience a change of routine.
Term 2 is always filled with so many events and achievements and once again I look forward to sharing another successful term with you.
We concluded Term 1 with our Sports Day and I am sure you would all agree that the day was highly successful. This success is only achieved with effort and commitment. I would like to thank the entire staff who worked in close collaboration with each other to ensure our students enjoyed the day. Our students participated with great spirit and enthusiasm and they also need to be congratulated for the way in which they conducted themselves. A special thanks to Martina Kovacev and the Sports Day committee for their brilliant leadership.
Our Year 4 and Year 5 students returned safely from their camp in Victor Harbour yesterday afternoon. I was privileged to have spent some time with these students and I was so impressed in the way that they fully embraced the activities that were offered to them. Thank you to the Year 4/5 teachers for their preparation and attention to detail.
We have welcomed Mr Nick Ryan this term from St Michael’s College. As you know Nick will be our Pedagogical Coach who will lead the learning across our school in partnership with Alison, myself and all the staff. Please introduce yourself to Nick when you see him in the yard on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
The final touches to our new website are currently being made and we hope to be able to launch this within the next couple of weeks.
Our Year 3 and Year 5 students will participate in NAPLAN next week. We wish these students well and acknowledge that these assessments are just one way in which we track student learning and achievement.
It has been great to see our students wearing the correct Winter uniform as we em-bark on the new term. Our identity as a Catholic school here at Dominican is one that I am very proud of. My expectation is that this identity continues to grow and develop as we strive to be the best school that we can be.
I would like to wish our Dominican community all the very best for Term 2.
Kind regards
Phil Holmes