Term 3, Week 10 2021
Dear Community Members
As we arrive at the end of a successful Term 3, I firmly believe that we as a community have made a significant difference this term in all aspects of school life. I have been impressed with the way in which our young people continue to strive to be the best they can be. Our students need to be congratulated for their achievements.
On Monday this week all staff gathered here at school to continue to develop our Vision for Learning for Dominican. The day consisted of capturing our aspirations and considerations so that we can dream a future together. This vision will allow us to be able to communicate what we value most so that we can live it out each day. I am extremely impressed with the commitment that Staff have shown and I thank them for their efforts so far.
At the beginning of Term 4 we have our R-5 Swimming Program commencing at Immanuel College. This is the second year that we have used this ‘State of the Art’ facility and we know that this will be a very successful opportunity for our students.
I would like to wish Stephanie Donnarumma and Sofia Agnello all the very best as they embark on their Long Service Leave in Term 4. We also wish Stephanie all the very best as she awaits the arrival of her new addition to her family! We welcome Mr Antony Scarfo in R/1AB and Ms Marisha Burns in 2/3D for Term 4.
This week we are trialling a new process at the pick up zone in Dunn Street in the afternoons. This street can become very congested and unsafe at dismissal times. We have moved the student exit gate to the Basketball Court area and I ask that parents / caregivers remain in their car and keep the flow of traffic going. Students will not be dismissed until the parent / caregivers car arrives at the front of the line where the teacher on duty will be standing – (most of the time this will be me). I know this can be frustrating and I thank those people who do the right thing and complete a lap around the block when there are no spaces to pull into. This is a work in progress and my hope is that this new process will create a safe zone for our students and families.
We as a staff at Dominican School look forward to our ongoing partnership with all community members as we strive to achieve new levels of excellence.
I hope that the school holidays give you an opportunity to spend time with family and friends, to rest and rejuvenate in readiness for Term 4. I look forward to seeing you in two weeks.
Kind regards
Phil Holmes
Composting Project
As part of our Catholic Identity focus on Ecological Conversion, we have a shared commitment at Dominican to care for the environment. This year our Justice Leaders have accessed a grant from Catholic Education SA to develop a Composting Project. They have developed a whole school composting plan where buddy class partners take their class food scraps to the composting tumblers in the back garden twice a week to be recycled into natural fertilizer for our school gardens. On Friday our Justice Leaders met with Alan Shepard for a KESAB Composting Workshop funded by our local Port Adelaide Enfield Council. They learned more about the essentials for good composting, what and what not to add, and the use of compost. Alan also provided us with tips to achieve quality compost for our school gardens. Our Composting Project is an important student-led initiative for our school to continue to work for the justice and care of our world.

Catholic Charities Appeal
A little giving goes a long way… Charity is at the heart of living Catholic and each September we celebrate Catholic Charities month. Catholic Charities is our South Australian organisation that provides support to agencies making a difference to the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community, including Our Lady of La Vang and St Patrick’s Special Schools, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, SA Catholic Deaf Association, Centacare Catholic Family Services, and the Hutt St Centre. This Friday, our Justice Leaders will be holding a FOOTY COLOURS & DONUT DAY to fundraise for the Catholic Charities Appeal. Students are invited to wear their favourite footy team colours for a gold coin donation, and purchase a donut for $2. Special thanks to the P&F for their help with ordering, selling and serving donuts for our students on this day. THANK YOU in advance to all students, families and staff for your generous support to help those in need.
Alison Tanti-Clark
Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission

Lots of great work has been happening in R/1N this term. We have learnt so many new things. Here are some of the things that we have learnt.

Breakfast Club has become a real joy to have in the mornings. The kids love to come past for a piece of toast, some warm milk, pancakes or eggs or just to catch up with their friends before the bell goes.
Breakfast Club is run by volunteer school Mums/Nans, with food donated by KickStart for Kids. It’s a great way to be involved in the school (without it taking over your whole day) and to see the students each morning socialising with their friends, filling their bellies before heading to class. We’re always looking to add more helpers to our list and it’s really as easy as buttering toast and washing the dishes, so if you’d love to help out for a morning, please see Wendy in the office and she’ll give you the info.
Optus Crows Cup Girls Football Carnival
Last week, 22 of our Year 5/6 girls made Dominican history as they attended the Optus Crows Cup Carnival. This was the first year Dominican School has participated in this interschool girls football carnival which is aimed at encouraging participants to give football a go in a fun and safe environment. It was an incredible day with many highlights. All participants showed a high level of talent, resilience and sportsmanship which was truly inspiring. Well done girls!
Thank you to our parent helpers for their support in coaching and goal umpiring. We are very grateful for your time and assistance.
Soccer 2021
Our 2021 school soccer season has come to an end. Congratulations to all our players on their dedication, good sportsmanship and improvement of skills, throughout the season.
Many thanks to our fantastic coaches Nick Gargula, Michael Silvestri and Troy Jamieson! Thank you for your time and effort in supporting and guiding our young stars. We really appreciate it!
We also thank Nick Gargula for being our school soccer delegate for 2021. He has attended NWJSA meetings, supported with registrations and continued to be the main source of communication between the association and our school. Thank you!
Parents, thank you for your commitment in taking your children to games each Saturday morning. We hope you have enjoyed being part of the fun. Please ensure soccer tops are washed and returned to Martina Kovacev by the end of term.
SAPSASA Cross Country Carnival
Tuesday, 14th September saw the annual SAPSASA Cross Country Carnival held at Point Malcolm Reserve for students in Years 2 to 6. The 2km run started on the reserve, moving onto the footpath, followed by the sand for 1km, back on the footpath and then finishing on the grassed area. Well done to all the students on their remarkable effort on carnival day and also in the lead up during training sessions. We are so incredibly proud of you all. Congratulations to Lachlan, Jack, Remmie, Portia, Maya, Caitlin, Izla and Maverick who won medals/ribbons for placing in the top 4 of their races. We also congratulate the U10 boys div 1 on winning the team pennant!
A big thank you to our parent volunteers who came out and helped with the event. We are very appreciative of your time and support.
Dominican Student Breaks State Record
A big congratulations to Caitlin who won gold medals in shot put and discus at Tuesday’s Sport SA State Track and Field Day. Caitlin also broke a state record in shot put that’s stood for 36 years!! What an amazing achievement! Well done Caitlin!
We also congratulate Maverick and Portia on their achievements at the carnival and on their commitment and dedication in the lead up. You are all outstanding representatives for Dominican School and you have made us very proud.
Congratulations to all our Sport Representatives
Martina Kovacev

We acknowledge that we are on the traditional country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.
Approved by Kaurna Elder Uncle Lewis O’Brian 2004
Important Dates
Term 4 Begins
R-5 Swimming Week
School Photos
Currently available via Qkr!

- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders (Mon & Fri)
- Uniform
- Quiz Night Tickets
Uniform Shop

The summer uniform is to be worn in Term 4. As per the Dominican School Uniform Policy the following is to be worn:
Formal Uniform – Summer
- Mid blue check, short sleeved dress; or
- Navy culottes with blue banded short sleeve shirt; or
- Grey shorts with blue banded short sleeve shirt.
- Navy blue woollen jumper with school emblem; or
- Navy school jacket.
- Black formal school shoes worn with white socks (for dress and culottes); or
- Black formal school shoes worn with grey socks (for grey shorts); or
- Brown sandals without socks.
Sports Uniform – Summer and Winter
- Navy embroidered shorts; or
- Navy embroidered tracksuit pants.
- With navy/gold striped short-sleeved polo; or
- Navy/gold striped long sleeved polo.
- Navy school jacket.
- Sports shoes with white socks (covering ankle).
School Hats
When outside, students must wear the blue Dominican School hat in Terms 1 and 4.
Orders and payments can be made via the QKR! App or in person on Tuesdays 8.30 – 10.30am and 2.30 – 4.30pm.
Lost Property
How many jumpers or jackets have your children lost this term? We currently have numerous items in our lost property without names! Please come and have a look to see if they are yours .