Term 3, Week 10 2022
Dear Community Members
Welcome to the final newsletter for Term 3!
It’s hard to believe that we come to the end of another school term. We have achieved so much throughout this term and it certainly has been a team effort.
We have celebrated the Feast of St Dominic, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and The Assumption of Mary with 3 whole school Masses. Students have participated in many carnivals and sports clinics. Other significant events include Book Week, Catholic Schools Open Week, Kyton’s Bakery fundraiser, Father’s Day Stall, Father’s Day Breakfast, Year 6 Japanese Dinner, Learning Conversations, Book Fair, Catholic School s Music Festival… just to name a few!
Our most significant achievement is the completion of our Stage 1 Building Program and our 5 new ‘state of the art’ learning spaces. Something that we should all be very proud of.
These celebrations, events and achievements don’t just happen on their own and I would like to thank every member of our Dominican Community who, in some way, have contributed to providing these opportunities for our students. It certainly is an impressive effort!
As the term draws to a close and the days become warmer and brighter, I sincerely wish everyone a well-earned term break and holiday period with family and friends.
I look forward to seeing all students and families return to school on Monday 17 October.
Kind regards,
Phil Holmes

The next cycle of the SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM will commence early next term… and we are currently seeking expressions of interest. Our Family Faith Formation Program involves children from Dominican School, Our Lady of the Visitation School and the Lefevre Catholic Parish to prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. The program is for Catholic children who are 8 years or over. Please see the following links for further details:
Sacraments Brochure and Sacrament Preparation Program
We invite and welcome all children who would like to be a part of this program to support them on their faith journey.
To register your child in the program, please contact:
Sr Marie Egan at familyfaith@catholicparishes.com.au or 8449 6378 by this Friday September 30.
A little giving goes a long way… Charity is at the heart of living Catholic and each September we celebrate Catholic Charities month. Catholic Charities is our South Australian organisation that provides support to agencies making a difference to the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community, including Our Lady of La Vang and St Patrick’s Special Schools, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, SA, Centacare Catholic Family Services, and the Hutt Street Centre.
On Friday September 23rd, our Justice Leaders held a FOOTY COLOURS & DONUT DAY to fundraise for the Appeal. Students came along to school wearing their favourite footy team colours for a gold coin donation, and enjoyed a donut for $2.50. Special thanks to our Justice Leaders for coordinating this event to raise awareness and support for our South Australian Catholic Charities. A total of $340 was raised and will be forwarded on to the appeal. THANK YOU to all students, families and staff for your generous support to help those in need.
Alison Tanti-Clark
We congratulate Caitlin, Maverick and Dlila for being selected for the Port SAPSASA Track and Field Team. They attended the Sport SA Track and Field Carnival on Monday 26th September. Caitlin came 1st place in Discus and Shot Put. Maverick came 2nd place in 1500m. Well done!
Our after school soccer season has now come to an end. We thank and congratulate all coaches, players and parents for their participation and support throughout the season. We ask that all soccer tops please be washed and returned to the front office by the end of term.
Congratulations to Nate and Lachlan for being selected for the Port SAPSASA Cricket Team. They will attend the State Carnival from the 1st – 3rd November. Good luck Nate & Lachlan!
Martina Kovacev

And we're off!!
We launched our COLOUR RUN to the community last Friday and we already have many classes who have accepted the first challenge - TO MAKE THEIR INDIVIDUAL PROFILES! The Class with the most profiles will be the FIRST ones to run the obstacle course.
In addition, many of these students have already begun fundraising and have acheived the second challenge of raising $50. These students are now in the draw to win one of 10 Colour Run T-Shirts to wear on the day. WOO-HOO! Our holiday challenge will be launched tomorrow.
Our goal is to raise $10,000 to go towards new playground equipment and we are already one quarter of the way to our target with $2645.00 raised already! FANTASTIC EFFORTS everyone!
Stay tuned to see who will win the first challenge when it is announced at tomorrow's final term assembly.

Important Dates
End of Term 3, 3.05pm
Labour Day Public Holiday
First Day of Term 4, 8.50am
Swimming Week commences
Swimming Week ends
Colour Run, 12.00pm to 3.00pm
Hambours Uniform Shop

With Term 4 fast approaching it is time to check to see if you need any new Summer Uniform items. Summer Uniform is worn in Terms 4 and 1.
All Dominican School Uniforms are now available for purchase at Hambours Uniform Shop.
Shop in person at 2 Wilson Street, Royal Park or order online and have your items delivered to the school.
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday
9:00am to 12:30pm
1:00pm to 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
1:00pm to 4:00pm
For more information contact the shop on 8447 2077 or shop online for 5% discount on most items.

What's on Qkr!
To assist families, the following payments can be made on Qkr!
- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders (available Monday to Friday)