Term 3, Week 10 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
What a fun night of music, dancing, and glow sticks! It was so great seeing most of our student attend our school disco and share their creative dance moves. I would like to thank the P& F, especially Kelly and Justine, who did an amazing job at organizing the event and all the registered volunteers who supported on the night. I would also like to thank all the staff who gave up their weekend so willingly to attend this school event.
It was a successful night; one in which the students will talk about and remember for a very long time.
Teachers have already begun the complex task of arranging the classes for 2024. As you can appreciate there are a number of factors that need to be considered. As a school we aim to balance the needs of the learning environment, considering gender balance, social dynamics and learner needs, so that the most optimal learning groups can be formed. If you have a particular piece of information that you would like considered in relation to your child’s needs, I invite you to email me at info@dominican.catholic.edu.au by no later than Friday 27 October.
Please note that I will not be able to process requests for teachers, as teachers may move schools or year levels, and teacher placement on classes has not yet been set for 2024. If there is some historical information that I need to be made aware of, please put it in writing. Like all schools, final decisions about student placement rest with the school.
View the Class Allocation Policy
The Senior Choir , consisting of students from Years 5 and 6 represented our school beautifully at the Catholic Schools Music Festival on Wednesday night. They performed with enthusiasm, and I received a lot of positive feedback from volunteers at the theatre. A huge thank you to Mrs Stacey Webb, our Performing Arts teacher, for working so hard with the students in getting them prepared, and to the parents and caregivers for their ongoing commitment in the lead up to this event.
Next term, students will be required to wear their summer uniform, however, there will be a two week period to facilitate changeover from winter to summer uniform. It is important that students wear their correct school uniform as it instils in them a sense of pride and responsibility.
The current uniform policy states, ‘At Dominican, the school uniform is an important part of the school’s identity. By wearing the uniform, it helps to promote a spirit of community and gives our students a sense of belonging. All students are required to wear the approved school uniform to school each day and they are expected to show pride in themselves and their school by meeting requirements relating to grooming and presentation.’
The summer and sport uniform requirements are as follows.
Congratulations to 5/6OK for their great efforts in getting the highest percentage of Nude Food for Week 9. By encouraging nude food, we are promoting sustainable practices within our school community.
Children’s University is an innovative program that engages children and young people in exciting, out-of-school learning opportunities to increase their chances for educational achievement and rewards them for taking responsibility for their own learning. This year, Dominican School has 38 students participating in this initiative.
Congratulations to Jessica (5K) who has completed 104 hours; the highest amount of hours of out of school learning from our school. What an achievement!
Next year it would be great to see a lot more students taking part in Children’s University, as it’s a wonderful way for students to participating in further learning outside of the school environment.
Thank you to all staff for their support and hard work in providing our students with exceptional care and great learning experiences throughout the term. Our school definitely offers many wonderful opportunities.
I would also like to thank all our parents/caregivers who have helped our students with their learning, supported teachers in their programs and attended excursions, sports carnivals and after school sports. Your support is greatly appreciated by us all.
It has been a busy term and students and teachers are ready for a well-earned break. I hope you get the chance to have some time together and re-charge as we head into the final term of 2023.
Kind regards,
Angela Scodella

On our last day of Term 3, our Justice Leaders held a FOOTY COLOURS & CUPCAKE DAY to fundraise for the Appeal. Students came dressed in their sports uniform along with their favourite footy team colours for a gold coin donation, and enjoyed cupcakes from Semaphore Bakehouse. So far they have raised over $100 for Catholic Charities from today's donations. A great start to helping those vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community.
Special thanks to the P&F for their help with organising cupcakes for our students on this day. And a huge THANK YOU to all students, families and staff for your generous support to help those in need.
Alison Tanti-Clark

In Year 5/6 we recently participated in the Talk Money program, which included two interactive workshops designed to help Australian students learn money lessons for life, to be confident talking about money and to make informed financial choices.
Both classes attended the Talking About Money workshops, where they talked about how people think, feel and act with money and learned about the HEARD framework to help them have constructive conversations about money. We also learnt about the tactics used in gaming and advertising to try to convince us to spend more money.
Lisa Osborne

Bravo Dominican! You were outstanding!!!
This year, ten of our Year five and six students bravely stepped up and took on the challenge of the Catholic School's Music Festival. Featuring songs from a whole range of music genre's, our students delivered their performance in fine form. Favourites included 'Heal the World', Pure Imagination, Funiculli Funnicula and especially the 100 Year Celebration of Disney Medley.
Congratulations to you all, I am so proud of your achievement!
Stacey Webb

We congratulate the following Dominican Award Certificate recipients for Week 9, Term 3 for demonstrating our pillars of Prayer, Study, Community or Ministry in their learning.
Awarded to Indiana RS, Lennon 1/2AB, Mason 1/2AB, Evie 1/2D, Isaac 3/4L, Emilee 3/4L, Harrison 5/6K, Samara 5/6K, Olivia 5/6OK and Luisa 5/6OK for being focussed, working hard and showing persistence in their learning.
Awarded to SooHyeon RN, Amelia RN, Ashton 3/4S and Jack 3/4S for showing care and having a positive attitude toward their classmates.
Awarded to Nathaniel RS and Violet 1/2D for being thoughtful and respectful and reflective in class prayer.

Rounding out the term, class 5/6OK took out the last Eco-Warrior Award for Term 3. Our senior students led by example by having the highest percentage of Nude Food so far this year.
When asked how they were able to make such a huge improvement, Elijah and Zane said that it was due to buying big packets and using small containers rather than snack size multipacks as well as not using cling wrap or foil.
It certainly does make a difference! We look forward to seeing if they can break the 90% mark next term!
