Term 3, Week 4 2022
Dear Community Members
Welcome to Week 4!
I am delighted to announce that I have appointed Mr Nick Ryan to the permanent position of Pedagogical Coach here at Dominican. Nick officially commences in this position in 2023. Nick brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this position and has demonstrated excellent leadership since he has joined our community in this new role. Nick, in collaboration with teachers, will ensure that we know each child as a learner and he will work alongside all of us as we continue to achieve new levels of excellence. We are fortunate to have Nick join our Dominican Community on a permanent basis and I know you will all join with me in congratulating Nick on his appointment.
Final touches of our building are taking place over the next two weeks. I had the pleasure in giving School Board Members an exclusive tour on Monday night as part of the School Board meeting and their feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Our Pupil Free day on Friday 2 September will give us the time required in making sure that our new R-2 learning spaces will be in full operation on Monday 5 September.
Last night I met with members of the Parents and Friends committee to begin to reimagine what this group might look like moving forward into 2023. This included enhancing the number of parents and looking at ways to further build community and what our ‘fun raising’ and ‘fund raising’ might look like. If you are interested in being involved in our community, the Parents and Friends is a great opportunity to meet other like minded parents. Please come and see me if you would like more information.
At Dominican School we strive every day to be the best version of ourselves in all that we do in order to achieve new levels of excellence. All students and members of our community will often hear our staff talk about this in ‘BEING THE BEST WE CAN BE’. It’s a simple phrase that is easily understood but one that is so powerful in education. I am privileged to see how our students strive to achieve this each day. It gives them great purpose and satisfaction in their learning and in their relationships with each other.
Have a great week!
Kind regards,
Phil Holmes
On Monday we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, a holy day that commemorates God taking Mary to glory in heaven. As a Catholic school community, this was a special time for us to pray and give thanks for Mary, the mother of Jesus, the mother of our Church, and the mother of us all. To honour Mary on this holy day, we gathered with Father Roderick, the parish and families for Mass at Sacred Heart Church, beautifully led by our R-2 classes. This was a day of great celebration as we rejoiced in the life of our Blessed Mother Mary, a woman of great faith and love who believed and trusted in God.

A little giving goes a long way… Charity is at the heart of living Catholic and each September we celebrate Catholic Charities month. Catholic Charities is our South Australian organisation that provides support to agencies making a difference to the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community, including Our Lady of La Vang and St Patrick’s Special Schools, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Centacare Catholic Family Services, and the Hutt St Centre. Yesterday each child received a leaflet attached with a donation envelope for this year’s appeal. You are invited to make a donation via the reply paid envelope or online at adelaide.catholic.org.au/donate
This term we have been pleased to be able to resume Eucharistic Celebrations with the parish and families at the Church. All classes have been involved in preparing, leading and celebrating Masses for the Feast Days of St Dominic, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and the Assumption of Mary. Our Sacristans play a special part in preparing the Church for these sacred celebrations. We have four of our senior students at Dominican involved in this ministry. We thank Eric, Dlila, Maverick and Siahn for their faith-filled commitment to serving our school and parish communities through this important role.
Alison Tanti-Clark
Our Year 1/2 classes have been learning about light and sound.
Last week they made Newton's Colour Wheels, using primary colours of red, blue and yellow along with secondary colours of orange, green and purple. Attaching the wheels to string, they quickly spun the wheels so that the colours blended to white or light grey.

Our Parents and Friends group met this week to pack and distribute the Kyton's Bakery Fundraiser orders. Thank you to all those who placed orders. Special mention to the Bernardo family who, through family and friends, placed the largest order. It was wonderful to see so much support from the community.
Father's Day is fast approaching and the P & F willl once again be hosting a gift stall for students to purchase a gifts for Father's Day, as well as hosting Breakfast for all our Dominican Dads and Grandpas.
The Father's Day Gift Stall will be held on Tuesday 30 August, after lunch.
The Father's Day Breakfast will be held on Thursday 1 September from 8.00am. Dads and Grandfathers are invited to join their children for breakfast on this morning. Pancakes and muffins will be available (as well as the normal breakfast from Breakfast Club), with a coffee van on hand from Ruga's Cafe to serve freshly brewed beverages to kick start the morning.
Further information about both these activities will be distributed through class notices in the coming weeks.
As we move into Term 3 it is now time for Parents and Friends to send out a call for new members as many of our long serving families will be moving on as their children leave for secondary school at the end of the year. As Phil mentioned in his article, we are looking for new members across all year levels, and are particularly keen for families from our R-2 classes to be involved. There is no set time commitment, it is just a matter of giving what time you can, whether that be assisting on Sports Day cooking the barbecue to being on the P & F Planning Committee. All assistance is appreciated. And it is a great way to get to know other parents!
If you are interested in joining or would like to know more, please email us or come along to our next P & F Meeting on Wednesday 14 September at 2.00pm in the staffroom.
On Monday the team from Perform Education visited our school to entertain us with 'Story Quest', for this year's Book Week theme 'Dreaming with eyes open...'

Breakfast Club has a long standing tradition here at Dominican School and is an integral part of the school day for our students.
Yet we need your help! Our Breakfast Club is short of volunteers.
If you have a current Catholic Schools Clearance to volunteer in schools and can spare some time in the morning, please contact the Front Office. Or if you would like to obtain clearance to commence volunteering, please come in and speak with us.
Many hands make light work and our students will appreciate any time you can give.
Important Dates
Book Week commences
Book Week Parade, 9.00am
Year 6 Japanese Dinner, 6.15pm
Father's Day Stall
Father's Day Breakfast, 8.00am
Pupil Free Day

Winter Uniform

The Winter uniform is to be worn in Terms 2 and 3.
All Dominican School Uniforms are now available for purchase at Hambours Uniform Shop.
Shop in person at 2 Wilson Street, Royal Park or order online and have your items delivered to the school.
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday
9:00am to 12:30pm
1:00pm to 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
1:00pm to 4:00pm
For more information contact the shop on 8447 2077 or shop online for 5% discount on most items.

What's on Qkr!
To assist families, the following payments can be made on Qkr!
- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders (available Monday to Friday)
