Term 4, Week 2 2021
Dear Community Members
Welcome back to Term 4. I sincerely hope that the school holidays gave you all an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate in readiness for a busy 8 weeks that is ahead of us!
Last week we sent home the Term 4 Calendar with all the dates for the term ahead. Given the uncertain times that we currently face these dates may change with short notice. Apologies in advance if this occurs.
Following on from my community email earlier this week it is with great sadness that we heard that John Zandona passed away early Monday morning surrounded by his family at home. John had a significant influence on our Dominican community in so many ways. Students, staff and families have fond memories of John. As a school community we have celebrated John’s life in many ways this week and he will be included in our prayers at our Assembly on Friday. May John rest in peace.
The Parents and Friends are currently planning a ‘Foreshore Sausage Sizzle’ for all families later this term. Given that COVID hasn’t allowed us to go ahead with the Quiz night and many other events, this will be an excellent opportunity for us to gather as a community. Once the date has been set we will communicate to all families. Watch this space!
As you know we have introduced a new pick up zone at the end of each school day on Dunn Street. This is designed to allow a better flow of traffic for vehicles. Can I please remind everyone that you are not allowed to leave your vehicles at any point. Please remain behind the vehicle in front and wait until you are able to move forward. Please do not cut in front of other vehicles. There may be occasions where you will have to do a lap around the block and I understand that this takes time. Alternatively you can park your vehicle further along Dunn Street. We are asking students to wait at the gate until the vehicle is close enough to the Double Gates in order for the student to get into the vehicle. Can I ask that we do this as quickly as possible to ensure that we have a safe area at the end of each day. I have a responsibility that all students are safe at all times. I appreciate your anticipated cooperation with this issue as we strive to make the end of day pick up run as smoothly as possible.
Have a great week!
Kind regards
Phil Holmes
Giving thanks for John Zandona
As a school community, we are deeply saddened by the passing of JOHN ZANDONA, a valued staff member and dedicated educator at Dominican School for over 12 years. John was a highly respected and much loved colleague, teacher and friend, who will be forever remembered by staff, students and families.
To honour and celebrate John’s life, a memorial has been set up in our Chapel, with all staff and students invited to visit this beautiful space to pray and give thanks for John, his many gifts, and his exemplary service to our school community.
We keep John, his wife Fran and their children in our thoughts and prayers. May John rest in the peace of God’s love, and may God watch over his family and hold them in care.
Eternal rest grant unto him Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.

Celebrating Our Faith
This term we will have a focus on celebrating PARISH MASS, together with Father Roderick, parishioners and families at Sacred Heart Church. The following year levels will attend Mass at 12.00pm on the following dates:
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12 – Years 2/3 & 5/6
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19 – Years R/1 & 4/5
For these Masses, students will walk to and from the Church supervised by their teachers. Teachers will inform families of any rehearsal dates and times in preparation for these celebrations. These celebrations provide us with the opportunity to gather in faith and we look forward to sharing in Mass with our parish, families and friends. You are all warmly invited to attend.
Sacramental Program
We congratulate the children in the Family Faith Formation Program who have recently celebrated the SACRAMENTS OF CONFIRMATION & FIRST HOLY COMMUNION. Here they confirmed the promises made by their parents and godparents when they were baptised, and received the Eucharist for the very first time. Congratulations to Grace, William, Kelsey, Jacob & Izla. We pray for God’s love and blessing for these children as they continue their faith journey as full members of our Church.
Alison Tanti-Clark
Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission

Swimming at Immanuel was lots of fun. I learnt lots of new skills such as dolphin kick, torpedo, backstroke and frog kick. I also loved swimming with flippers – Jenna Y.
At Immanuel we learnt how to dive and did relays. My favourite part was when the instructor threw a weight in the water and we dived in and got it from the deep end – Sierra L.
At swimming I improved my bubble blowing and my backstroke – Jackson P.
At swimming we learnt how to dive. Zoey, Dlila and I all bellyflopped in the water, but Amelia and Tahlia did well. – Siahn S.
At swimming I learnt lots and my teacher was very nice. I loved doing the dolphin kick and the survival backstroke. – Harry H.

School Photos will take place on Monday 25 October. All families have now received a pre order School Photo Payment Envelope that has each child’s individual Shootkey code on it. Envelopes must be returned to your child’s class teacher, and all children will be photographed even if you are not purchasing photos. Family envelopes are available from the Front Office. Please enclose correct money as no change is given. Cash, cheques and money orders only (Credit Cards are accepted online only).
All students are required to wear their formal summer school uniform.No sports clothes, polar fleece tops or sports jackets.
- Summer dress with white ankle socks
- ​Grey shorts, mid blue banded short sleeve shirt, with grey socks
- Clean black plain lace-up shoes or T-bar shoes.
- Nail polish and make up is not permitted.
- Hair that is longer than shoulder length must be neatly and securely tied back. Ribbons, headbands or hair-ties must be in school colours or uniform fabric.
- No jewellery except silver or gold plain sleepers or studs for pierced ears.
Dominican School successfully secured a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant to develop a wellbeing garden.
Our SRC students have been involved in developing ideas to create a quiet, calming space for all students. Our project goal was to create a place for children to go when they need to get away from noise, reflect and connect with nature. It will also provide students a chance to take their learning from the classroom to engage in outdoor, hands-on learning activities, especially as the garden continues to develop.
This week our Receptions and Year 1s have been doing mulching of the garden beds and pest control, collecting and relocating the snails that have been eating our seedlings.
Stay tuned for further development of the project!

Nude food is a program we run at our school and involves bringing food to school that is not packaged and is environmentally friendly e.g. apples, bananas, oranges, mandarins, broccoli, carrots, eggs. If food is packaged, it would be great if you could put the food in a lunchbox without the packaging.
Nude food is important as it helps this school reduce the amount of rubbish on our school grounds. It also reduces the amount of rubbish ending up in the ocean to help all the sea animals, and stops all the rubbish crowding the streets.
When is Nude food? We would love nude foods to happen everyday.
We acknowledge that we are on the traditional country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.
Approved by Kaurna Elder Uncle Lewis O’Brian 2004
Important Dates
School Photos
Sacramental Program Parent Info Evening
Year 6 Camp Mon-Wed
School Board Meeting
SACPSSA Athletics Carnival Y4-6
Children's University Graduation Dinner
2022 Reception Induction Morning
P&F Meeting
2022 Reception Induction Morning
Sacrament of the 1st Reconciliation
Christmas Concert R-6
School Board Meeting
2022 Reception Induction Morning
Yr 6 Graduation
Term 4 Concludes 3:05pm
2022 Term 1 Commences
Currently available via Qkr!

- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders (Mon & Fri)
- Uniform
OSHC Centre Closure Dates
The Dominican OSHC Holiday Program will be closed from Monday 20 Dec 2021 and reopen on Mon 10 Jan 2022.