Term 4, Week 2 2022
This week's cover photo is in celebration of "Hats off to Teachers" as part of World Teacher's Day, Friday 28 October. Featured are students from 1/2S 'TIPPING THEIR HATS' to say THANK YOU to all our amazing teachers at Dominican School.
Dear Community Members
Welcome to Week 2 and to the new school term. As always, Term 4 has commenced with great energy, enthusiasm and haste with many things to experience and achieve over the next 7 weeks.
We welcome 5 new students to our Dominican Community this term. Welcome to Lucas (Rec), Arshdeep (Rec), Jacob (Year 3), Braxton (Year 1), and Zack (Year 4). We hope that your learning journey here at Dominican School is filled with rich and enjoyable experiences.
Now that our building is near to completion I am pleased to let you know that we can now reopen the front entrance gate and courtyard at the end of each day. Before the building commenced and before COVID restrictions impacted on us, the small courtyard was a great gathering space for parents and caregivers at the end of each day. The gate will be open each afternoon at 3pm.
Our JP classes will be dismissed from this newly created outdoor seating space under the verandah at the end of each day. This will also reduce congestion on Dunn Street in the afternoons.
There are many events to look forward to this term and I ask that you refer to the Term 4 calendar that has been sent to all families as an easy reference guide to ensure that you don’t miss out on anything.
Tomorrow is our first COLUR RUN and there has been many people who have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure that this will be a successful event. We are certainly well on the way to raising funds for new playground facilities for our school. I am pretty sure that I am looking forward to a colourful day tomorrow!!
Our school photo day is on Monday 31 October. We need all students to be in correct summer uniform in readiness for Monday.
I look forward to sharing in the many celebrations and end of year events with all families as we navigate our way through Term 4.
Have a great week.
Kind regards,
Phil Holmes

All families are warmly invited to attend our R-6 COMMUNITY PRAYER & ASSEMBLIES on Fridays at 9.00am in the Multi-Function Centre. Please see below for this term’s calendar of dates:
Week 2 Friday October 28
Led by Year 5/6K
Week 3 Friday November 4
Led by Year 1/2S
Week 4 Friday November 11
Sports Presentation Assembly
Week 5 Friday November 18
Led by Year 3/4L
Week 6 Friday November 25
Led by Year Reception D
Our R-6 Assemblies are special times for our school community to celebrate in faith, learning and love our students as thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires. We give thanks for the partnership we share in Inspiring the Hearts & Minds of our young people to be the best they can be through our Dominican Pillars of Prayer, Study, Community and Ministry.
This term we are pleased to be able to share in the CELEBRATION OF MASS with our Lefevre Catholic Parish. We will gather for parish masses at Sacred Heart Church at 12.00pm on the following dates:
Week 3 Friday November 4
Year 3/4 Parish Mass
Week 4 Friday November 11
Reception Parish Mass
Week 5 Friday November 18
Year 5/6 Parish Mass
Week 6 Friday November 25
Year 1/2 Parish Mass
For all Masses, students will walk to and from the Church supervised by their teachers.
These celebrations provide us with the opportunity to gather in faith, hope and love, and we look forward to sharing our Masses with Father Roderick, parishioners and families.
All families are very welcome to attend.
Alison Tanti-Clark
Congratulations to Caitlin Holmes who has been selected for the State Team to attend the U12 Track and Field Nationals in Brisbane in November. What an outstanding achievement! We wish Caitlin all the best.
Congratulations to Aitana, Lilly, Molly and Maya who have been selected for the Port SAPSASA Tennis Team. They will attend the State Tennis Carnival in mid-November. Good luck girls!
Our after school soccer season has now come to an end. We ask that all soccer tops please be washed and returned to the front office as soon as possible. Replacement fees may be invoiced to families who do not return the soccer top.
Martina Kovacev
Our transformation to all uniforms being produced by Hambours Alinta is now complete.
All uniforms purchased through Hambours will be the new, consistent, better quality items.
From the start of 2023:
- Skorts will no longer be part of our school uniform and will not be able to be worn.
- All Reception and Year 1 students are required to wear the new style Summer Dress.
Students and parents are also reminded:
- Summer dresses should be worn to the knee
- White socks are to be worn with the sports uniform and Summer Dress
- Grey socks are to be worn with the grey shorts and pants
- Black school shoes are to be worn with the formal uniform

Tomorrow is the big day - the COLOUR RUN has arrived!
Congratulations to everyone for their fundraising efforts. To date we have raised:
$12,785.40 - AMAZING!!
A few reminders for tomorrow:
- Students to wear white t-shirt, any old shorts/pants and old sneakers. (Do not wear school sport shorts)
- If your child does not want colour powder thrown on them, they are to wear a coloured t-shirt. Please also advise your child's class teacher of this.
- Bring a towel to dry off if needed.
Spectators are WELCOME to attend. The fun begins at 12.45pm and concludes at 3pm.
A coffee cart and cake stall will be available for spectators to purchase drinks across the afternoon.
We hope to see many of you there!
It has been a fun and exciting start to Term 4 for our Year 5/6s.
The Year 5’s attended swimming lessons in Week 1 at iSwim at Immanuel College. Students enahnced their understanding of water safety, skill development within the various strokes along with their speed and endurance.
Sofia: I liked having fun with my friends and upping my swimming endurance and skill level. The relays were particularly enjoyable.
Harrison: I liked the last day when we got to jump off the blocks and catch the ball in the air. I learnt how to do survival backstroke.
Amelia: I enjoyed using the flippers and doing butterfly. I learnt how to do a perfect dive off the blocks.
This week, our Year 6 students attended Camp at Nunyara, Belair. They participated in various activities which promoted participation, communication, teamwork, leadership and initiative. They have experienced many enjoyable moments and created new memories which will last them a lifetime.

What an amazing and busy few weeks at Vacation Care. Children were very enthusiastic about the program and getting involved in all the activities. We started the holidays with a relaxing trip to the movies to see Super Pets, following the relaxing day it was all actions go with a trip to AFL max, the children were very excited about the trip, there were a variety of activities available, children were involved in trampling, rock climbing, and many opportunities to kick the football. They held a variety of competitions whilst we were there with all children involved. Ashlee was our winner for our OSHC for the fastest sprint. Children had many opportunities to be involved in team building activities throughout the holidays including a trip to Semaphore foreshore and a Team Building day which included lots of different challenges with them in a variety of groups of varying age groups.
To start week 2 we had a trip to the garden shop where children were able to choose a vegetable or fruit seedling to plant in the garden beds at school. The children were excited about this activity and happy to get their hands dirty. Another big hit of the holidays was cake decorating day. Kate came in to teach us some decorating tips and how to use fondant and buttercream. The Children created some amazing masterpieces using a variety of techniques that they were taught. There were also lots of opportunities to lick our fingers throughout the session.
We also had a new regular visitor throughout the holidays. Sarah's dog Charli came to visit throughout the holidays she is an 18-month Groodle who is undergoing training to become a well-being dog. The children enjoyed having her there and said they felt calm and happy when she was around. She will be showing her furry face at OSHC from time to time during the term and Vacation Care.
Overall, we had a fantastic Vacation Care filled with lots of excitement, adventures, and fun. We are looking forward to our Christmas holidays. The program will be available in week 5.
Sarah Muir

To protect our school community, staff and students should note:
- If you are unwell please stay home.
- If you have cold or flu symptoms you should get tested for COVID-19.
- If you have COVID-19, please stay at home until your acute symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever) have cleared. In consideration for the health of others, when you return to school, please wear a mask while indoors until 7 days have passed since your symptoms first started or since you tested positive, (whichever is earliest).
Important Dates
Colour Run, 12.00pm to 3.00pm
School Photos
1/2S Prayer & Assembly, 9am
3/4 Parish Mass, 12pm at Sacred Heart Parish Church
Board Meeting, 6.30pm
Principal's Tour, 10.00am

Hambours Uniform Shop

All Dominican School Uniforms are now available for purchase at Hambours Uniform Shop.
Shop in person at 2 Wilson Street, Royal Park or order online and have your items delivered to the school.
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday
9:00am to 12:30pm
1:00pm to 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
1:00pm to 4:00pm
For more information contact the shop on 8447 2077 or shop online for 5% discount on most items.

What's on Qkr!
To assist families, the following payments can be made on Qkr!
- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders (available Monday to Friday)
