Term 4, Week 4 2022
This week's cover photo shows students from 3/4L at the finish line of our Colour Run, held on Friday 28 October.
Dear Community Members
Welcome to Week 4!
It was great to see all the students present themselves to school last Monday wearing their school uniform with pride in preparation for School Photo Day. Each week I have the privilege to showcase our school during Principal Tours and enrolment interviews for new families. The feedback I receive is overwhelmingly positive in regard to how well our students go about their day here at Dominican. Our students have such a strong sense of identity and are very much aware of what it means to be a student at Dominican School. Once again this is all part of our endeavour to be the best we can be. This was also evident at our successful Colour Run last Friday. It was certainly a colourful day!!
I am pleased to announce that Ms Genevieve Spencer and Ms Kate Lose have both been appointed to permanent teaching positions here at Dominican. Genevieve and Kate will commence in these positions in 2023. I am also pleased to announce that Ms Lisa- Marie Siviglia and Ms Shenae Dougan have both been appointed to full time contract teaching positions for 2023.
Genevieve, Kate, Lisa- Marie and Shenae will continue to be great assets in our school next year. Please join me in congratulating these teachers on their appointments.
This week all families received a letter from the Director of Catholic Education Dr Neil McGoran announcing that Ms Alison Tanti Clark has been appointed to the role of Acting Principal here at Dominican in Term 1, 2023 while I take Long Service Leave. I would like to congratulate Alison on this appointment and I know the school will be in very capable hands during my absence.
Have a great week!
Kind regards
Phil Holmes

As a school community, we pray for the following students in the FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM who will prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, Confirmation & First Holy Communion over the next year:
Amelia, Harrison, Tiger, Peyton, Parker, Angelique, Angela, Matilda, Macy, Isabella and Harrison.
We ask God’s blessings for these children and keep them in our prayers as they journey in faith.
This term we have welcomed ten Year 3 - 6 students to serve as SACRISTANS for our Friday Parish Masses. These students have engaged in training to prepare for this ministry, and helped prepare the Church for their very first Mass last Friday. We commend Elijah, Sean, William, Marley, Emma, Jessica, Kelsey, Grace, Jenny and Jaeda for their faith-filled commitment to serving our school and parish communities in these important roles. Special thanks to Siahn and Dlila, two of our experienced Senior Sacristans, who have been instrumental in assisting me with training our ‘new’ sacristans.
Alison Tanti-Clark

CONGRATULATIONS to our Dominican Pillar Certificate Recipients for Week 3:
Zack RD, Parker 1/2S
Maddison 1/2AB, Macy 1/2S, Daniella 3/4L, Annabelle 3/4L, Sarah 3/4S, Jacob 3/4S, Eric 5/6K, Olivia 5/6OK
Spencer King RN, Telijah 5/6K, Andrew 5/6OK
Scarlett RN, Willae 1/2AB
Beach Walk by Angela Humphreys
On Tuesday the 8th of November, the Year 1/2 class went on an excursion to Semaphore Beach.
First we grabbed our drink bottles and then we put our hats on, we put sunscreen. There were adult leaders, we went with our adult leaders and we walked to the beach.
Then we took pictures of man-made and natural things. We took a picture of a seagull, sand, the clock tower and the train tracks.
Next we went to the exercising equipment and had a play on the playground.
Finally we walked back to school and had a big drink of water.
It was really hot but really fun!
Sofia Agnello, Sue Brogden and Lisa-Marie Siviglia

We know the inside of our new learning spaces looks AMAZING, now the outside is taking shape too! The window decals were installed this week - WOW! And some of our classes took advantage of the warm weather to sit in the Undercroft on the new outdoor settings to work alfresco!

Our transformation to all uniforms being produced by Hambours Alinta is now complete.
All uniforms purchased through Hambours will be the new, consistent, better quality items.
From the start of 2023:
- Skorts will no longer be part of our school uniform and will not be able to be worn.
- All Reception and Year 1 students are required to wear the new style Summer Dress.
Students and parents are also reminded:
- Summer dresses should be worn to the knee
- White socks are to be worn with the sports uniform and Summer Dress
- Grey socks are to be worn with the grey shorts and pants
- Black school shoes are to be worn with the formal uniform
To protect our school community, staff and students should note:
- If you are unwell please stay home.
- If you have cold or flu symptoms you should get tested for COVID-19.
- If you have COVID-19, please stay at home until your acute symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever) have cleared. In consideration for the health of others, when you return to school, please wear a mask while indoors until 7 days have passed since your symptoms first started or since you tested positive, (whichever is earliest).
Important Dates
Sports Presentation Assembly, 9.00am
Transition Morning for New Receptions, 9.00am - 11.00am
Semaphore Street Fair
Christmas Concert, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
End of Year Mass, 9.15am
Year 6 Graduation
Hambours Uniform Shop

All Dominican School Uniforms are now available for purchase at Hambours Uniform Shop.
Shop in person at 2 Wilson Street, Royal Park or order online and have your items delivered to the school.
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday
9:00am to 12:30pm
1:00pm to 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
1:00pm to 4:00pm
For more information contact the shop on 8447 2077 or shop online for 5% discount on most items.

What's on Qkr!
To assist families, the following payments can be made on Qkr!
- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders (available Monday to Friday)