Term 4, Week 4 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Although we are only in Week 4, this term has already been a busy time of reflection and future planning. I have met with all class teachers to do a yearly appraisal, and these were a great opportunity for them to share their future goals, reflect on the past year and to celebrate the growth of not only their teaching and learning, but also all their students. In the coming week, I look forward to also having the opportunity to meet with all our dedicated ESOs to have similar discussions.
Staff are busily in the process of writing End of Year Reports that will be going home to all families on Monday, Week 9 (11 Dec). Teachers spend a lot of time and effort into ensuring each report is personalized to the individual child, and it’s been great to read about all the learning and growth students have experienced throughout the year.
On this day we will also be having a whole school transition morning, where students will get an opportunity to gather in their 2024 class groups and to meet their new teacher. This is always a nervous time for both students and parents, but please try to encourage your child and remain positive.

During Term 4 we are promoting Wellbeing Wednesdays, and on theses days, our school community welcomes Boston the Wellbeing Dog. Boston has already made a lasting impression on many of our students and the positive effect he has had on student and staff engagement and wellbeing in such a short time, has been phenomenal.
A lot of research has been done into the benefits of having a wellbeing dog in the classroom, which include:
- Improved academic performance.
- Improved social skills.
- Helps reduce anxiety and stress.
- Increases comfort within educational settings.
- Improves cooperative learning skills, focus and engagement in lessons.
- Helps foster respect and trust amongst classmates.
Next week we celebrate PE week and there are a lot of fun activities planned. Every morning the day will start with a whole school health hustle and parents and caregivers are most welcome to join in. On Monday morning there will also be a coffee van onsite from 8:15am, where parents/caregivers can purchase an early morning coffee.
Various studies have reported that ‘physically active students are more focused, better retain information, and problem-solve more successfully than their less active peers.’

The Semaphore Street Fair is on Sunday 26th November. This is a great community event that Dominican School will once again be a part of. There will be a promotional stall for Dominican and our choir and Year 6 Drum Corp will also be performing. If you are free, it would be great to see as many families as possible supporting our school community at this this wonderful event.
A large number of students attended the Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival yesterday with Mrs Kovacev and Mr Kosta. I was pleased to hear that all students represented the school with pride and gave 100% in all events. I congratulate all our students on their efforts. Please see Ms Kovacev's article for all the details.

This Thursday we welcomed 22 new 2024 Reception Students into our ‘Little Dominicans’ transition program. This program will be run by Marisha Burns, who is an experienced teacher and is a familiar face within our school community.
The first transition visit was a huge success and I have no doubt that this will continue over the next 3 visits.
Earlier this week one of the students currently at school told me that his sister "can’t wait to start at Dominican and has been wearing her top around the house all week".
Enjoy the sunshine!
Angela Scodella

The next cycle of the Sacramental Program will commence early next year… and we are seeking expressions of interest. Our Family Faith Formation Program involves children from Dominican School, Our Lady of the Visitation School and the Lefevre Catholic Parish to prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. The program is for Catholic children who are 8 years or over.
For further details access the Sacraments Brochure. We invite and welcome all children who would like to be a part of this program to support them on their faith journey.
On Saturday November 18 we will join with our Lefevre Catholic Parish to celebrate a Family Mass at 6.00pm at Sacred Heart Church. All students and families are warmly invited and strongly encouraged to attend. We would love to see as many Dominican students, families and staff as possible gather to share in the celebration of Mass. Please RSVP your attendance here or see the flyer in this newsletter. Responses close Wednesday 15 November.
Fr Roderick O’Brien, our Lefevre Catholic Parish Priest, will be facilitating a Parent Prayer Workshop on Thursday November 23 at 2.00pm at the Parish Meeting Rooms located at 253 Military Road, Semaphore. This will be a session for parents with a focus on nurturing your personal prayer life. All parents, caregivers and community members are welcome to attend. Please register your attendance here. Registrations will close on Monday November 20.
Alison Tanti-Clark

This term 1/2AB are learning how to write Information Reports by exploring and researching about Christmas around the World. So far we have researched Australia and Italy. The students will get to research their own country in the coming weeks.
Sofia Agnello & Sue Brogden

On Monday, Dominican School had 5 students participate in the G.A.T.E.WAYS Program at St Francis of Assisi School, Newton. This program was an opportunity offered by Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) to provide an extension and enrichment opportunities for high ability students. The day was split into two groups (Early Years - Year 1 - 3 & Upper Years - Year 4 - 6) with each group participating in two workshops to challenge their critical and creative thinking skills.
These workshops allowed for extension for some of our high performing students to learn alongside like-minded peers from different CESA schools and challenge their thinking outside of the curriculum. Our Year 1 students and Year 4-6 students engaged in some learning experiences about the French Revolution through a game incorporating maths and logical thinking skills which also required them to work within teams, developed some creative advertisement campaigns through their artistic skills and persuasive writing skills, and also engaged in critical thinking skills through the use of Indi Robots to further understand the concept of coding.
All students said they had an amazing time and was a fun experience, an opportunity Dominican School are hoping to offer more students to be involved in next year.
Nick Ryan

The sun was shining and there was a buzz of excitement in the air at the annual SACPSSA Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 7 November.
Our 38 students from Years 3-6 joined students from 6 other Catholic Schools from around SA, to participate in the thrilling carnival, which was held at the SA Athletics Stadium, Mile End. Congratulations to all the athletes on their outstanding participation and success throughout the day.
Our girls came an overall 3rd and our boys came 6th. Special mention goes to Tiger who won the Year 4 Age Group Champion and was presented his medal by Dr Neil McGoran.
Many thanks to our fabulous parent volunteers for supporting us at the carnival.
Martina Kovacev

We are pleased to inform our school families that there will be no increase in school fees for the 2024 school year.
Catholic Education SA has announced it will freeze tuition fees at its 84 Diocesan schools for the 2024 school year.
“We recognise that cost-of-living increases are putting significant pressure on families,” says Dr Neil McGoran, Executive Director, Catholic Education SA.
“Growth in enrolments across the State in our 101 Catholic Schools, together with prudent financial management, puts us in a position where we are able to hold tuition fees at this year’s level.”
Dr McGoran said the fee-freeze will not impact the quality of education.
“We’re committed to keeping school fees as low as possible and ensuring a Catholic education is affordable and accessible to all.”
Since 2019, Catholic Education SA has been implementing the Making Catholic Education More Affordable Initiative to ensure Catholic schools are accessible to any family who wants their child to have a Catholic education.
In addition to the fee-freeze, further fee remissions are available to any family who is struggling to pay school fees due to financial difficulties. Families should contact Angela Scodella, Principal, or Jo Freer, Finance officer for more information.
