Term 4, Week 8 2022
Dear Community Members,
Welcome to our final edition of the newsletter for 2022!
I would like to announce the following staffing arrangements for 2023:
We welcome Ms Stacey Webb to the Performing Arts Teaching position for 2023 and Ms Dayna Martin to the Physical Education Teaching position for Term 1, 2023. Dayna will be replacing Martina Kovacev while Martina takes on the Acting Religious Education Coordinator for Term 1. Lisa Osborne will work full time in 5/6OK for Term 1. Stacey and Dayna bring a wealth of teaching experience to these positions with a strong focus on quality teaching and learning. I congratulate them on their appointments. I would like to thank Martina Kovacev and Lisa Osborne for taking on their new roles for Term 1.
Charlie Willoughby, Chelsea Calleja Emma Harvey and Taylor Bayly will be leaving our Dominican Community at the end of this year. I would like to sincerely thank these people for the significant contributions that they have made to our school and wish them every success in their future endeavours.
I am pleased to announce the 2023 Class Structures:
Reception N Julia Nofi
Reception S Lisa- Marie Siviglia
Year 1/2 AB Sofia Agnello and Sue Brogden
Year 1/2 D Shenae Dougan
Year 3/4 S Genevieve Spencer
Year 3/4 L Kate Lose
Year 5/6 K Matt Kosta
Year 5/6 OK Lisa Osborne and Martina Kovacev
All students will be meeting their new teachers for 2023 on Monday 12 December at 2:15pm.
Congratulations to all of our Dominican students who have continued to strive to be the best they can be. I have certainly witnessed this during 2022 and I look forward to this continuing in 2023.
To our Graduating Year 6 Class of 2022…Congratulations! You have all been resilient and extremely adaptable in what has been a challenging year. Thank you for your contributions; you have certainly triumphed in an extraordinary time.
Each year at Dominican School two of our Graduating Students receive the Dominican Award. This award is awarded to students who best display our Dominican Pillars of PRAYER, STUDY, COMMUNITY and MINISTRY.
I am delighted to announce that our Dominican Award Recipients for 2022 are;
Siahn Schopfer and Lucas Clark
Please join me in congratulating Siahn and Lucas on this excellent achievement.
Student Learning Summaries will be sent home today accompanied with your child’s class placement for 2023. Thank you for your partnership with us in the learning journey of your child. We are looking forward to continuing this journey with you.
As I reflect on the school year, I strongly believe that, once again, we have achieved so much. I would like to thank you for the support that you have shown to each other and to our Dominican Community.
Our staff have been dedicated to the care and wellbeing of the students in our school. They have worked hard in so many ways in order to ensure that every student experiences success in their learning. I would like to sincerely thank them for what they have been able to achieve this year and for their unwavering support of our school.
My sincere thanks to our School Board Members, our Parents and Friends Committee and all our volunteers for their ongoing support, commitment and guidance that they have constantly given Dominican School throughout 2022. I look forward to our ongoing work together as we embark on a new year in 2023 with further exciting capital development programs with the commencement of our Stage 2 Building Project.
It is a privilege to lead Dominican School and I truly value the support that I have received from our community throughout 2022.
As I take Long Service Leave in Term 1 I know I am leaving the school in very capable hands with Alison Tanti-Clark as Acting Principal and a very supportive and highly professional staff to support her.
Wishing you all every blessing at Christmas and I look forward to Dominican School continuing to achieve new levels of excellence in 2023.
Kind regards
Phil Holmes

Today we gathered as a school community for our END OF YEAR THANKSGIVING & BLESSING MASS. This is always a special time for us to celebrate and give thanks for the blessings of the year that has been. It is a particularly significant occasion for our graduating Year 6 students, as well as for those staff members who are leaving our school community. Our Mass provided us with the opportunity to acknowledge these members of our school community and bless them on their journey ahead. We keep them in our prayers and wish them all the very best.
Many thanks for your generosity in providing donations to support the VINNIES CHRISTMAS APPEAL. Class boxes are filling with goods! Any of the following items would be much appreciated - packaged foods such as pasta, noodles, and biscuits; tinned foods such as vegetables, soups, baked beans, and spaghetti; Christmas items such as bonbons, decorations, puddings, and tinned hams; long life products such as tea, coffee, milo, milk, juice, jam, and honey; and small gift items such as puzzles, books, stationery, and toiletries.
We will be collecting donations until next MONDAY DECEMBER 12. These will be bundled into Christmas Hampers to give to those families in need this festive season. Thank you again for your generous support!
Wishing you and your families all the blessings of a joyous Christmas filled with hope, peace and love.
Alison Tanti-Clark
As we move toward the end of 2022, we ask families to check uniform items during the school holidays and order any new items early to ensure stock is available prior to the new school year.
In particular we draw your attention to the compulsory BLACK FORMAL SCHOOL SHOES which are to be worn with the formal Summer and Winter Uniform. Students are not permitted to wear black sandshoes or black sports shoes on formal uniform days. We ask for your assistance in ensuring all students adhere to the Uniform Policy.

Last chance for this term to find any missing uniform pieces or articles in the Lost and Found Box! Unclaimed items will be used as spare items in the office, or donated to charity. If your child has lost something, please encourage them to check this week in the Lost and Found box.

Important Dates
Yr 6 Graduation
Term 4 Concludes 3:05pm
2023 Term 1 Commences
Currently available via Qkr!

- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders
Hambours Uniform Shop
All Dominican School Uniforms are now available for purchase at Hambours Uniform Shop.
Shop in person at 2 Wilson Street, Royal Park
Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 12:30pm & 1:00pm to 5:00pm, Friday 9:00am - 12:30pm & 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Contact us on 8447 2077 or shop online for 5% discount on most items