Term 2, Week 10 2023

Dear Families
As we come to the end of another positive and productive term, I would like to acknowledge and thank all members of our school community who assist in so many ways to ensure that we continue to achieve new levels of excellence at Dominican… Inspiring hearts and minds to be the best we can be.
It is a privilege to witness the ongoing commitment of staff, students and families to our Dominican School community. I commend the students who strive every day to live our motto of Veritas through Prayer, Study, Community and Ministry, and the staff for their dedication to the young people in their care and to our community across all facets of school life. I value and celebrate our families and the strong partnership we share to support our students to be thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires. Thank you for your collaboration.
Providing a quality Catholic education that nurtures students in their faith, learning and wellbeing continues to be our priority, and it has been a pleasure to read student reports highlighting areas of success and opportunities for growth. Last Friday all families received their child’s Semester 1 Report and early next term we will be offering Learning Conversations. This will be an opportunity for teachers, parents and students to discuss the Mid-Year Report and student progress, including Personalised Plans for Learning, as applicable. Booking details will be circulated as we begin Term 3.
As we approach the end of Term 2, I take this opportunity to thank Melissa Littos and Scott Hillard who have served our school community in the roles of 5/6 teacher and PE teacher and Sports Coordinator. We also thank and farewell Sr Marie Egan as our Parish Sacramental Coordinator who has led our Family Faith Formation program to prepare children to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation and Holy Communion. We thank Sr Marie for her guidance, care and support in this sacred ministry and wish her God’s blessings for her journey ahead.
I write to share with you that Kate Lose, 3/4L teacher, has accepted the position of Berry Street Educational Consultant and will conclude her time with us early next term. Kate has been a valued member of our Dominican School community who has actively contributed to the life of our school as a quality educator, SRC Coordinator, member of the IDEAS Project Team, and Partners in Practice Wellbeing Leader. I know you will join with me in congratulating Kate on her new role and we will gather next term to formally farewell her. Kate will be sadly missed by staff, students and families alike.
Next term we are excited to welcome Mrs Angela Scodella as our Principal, along with 9 new students and their families to our school community – Amelia, Fynn, Lenny and SooHyeon to RN; Harlow, Henry, Oliver and Rosie to RS; and Evie to 1/2D. We wish them well as they get ready to begin their journey with us at Dominican.
A friendly reminder that tomorrow Friday 7 July is a Pupil Free Day. As a staff, we will be busy clearing the upstairs level and relocating learning spaces in readiness for our Stage 2 Building Project.
It has been an absolute privilege to lead Dominican School as Acting Principal for Semester 1. My sincere thanks and deep gratitude to Martina Kovacev (Acting REC) and Nick Ryan (Pedagogical Coach & Acting Inclusive Education Coordinator) for their support and collaboration in leading the school.
Best wishes to you all for a safe and enjoyable holiday break and I look forward to seeing you back at school to commence Term 3 on Monday 24 July.
God bless
Alison Tanti-Clark

Many thanks to you all for your support of our VINNIES WINTER APPEAL. It was wonderful to see our school community give so generously with the MANY donations of winter warmers and non-perishable food items. We have collected an INCREDIBLE total of 489 food items and 100 winter warmers (blankets, scarves, beanies etc). We have also raised $378.15 for The St Vincent de Paul Society, through our Winter Warmers Casual Day and cookie treats (thanks to the P&F and Semaphore Bakery). Dennis Kennedy, the President of our local Vinnies, visited on Thursday to collect our donations. Dennis has expressed his gratitude to our school community for our generous support. These donations will be bundled into food hampers for local families in need. We are a community of faith in action living with love to make a positive difference to those less fortunate. Our Justice Leaders have been instrumental in raising awareness of the work of St Vincent de Paul and promoting this initiative to provide outreach to those doing it tough this winter. This gift of food donations and winter clothing/accessories will go a long way to helping the needy in our local community this winter.

Thursday August 3 is the Feast Day of St Dominic, our Patron Saint, and on FRIDAY AUGUST 4 we will celebrate ST DOMINIC’S DAY. To mark the occasion, students are invited to come to school dressed in our Dominican colours of black and white, and to contribute a gold coin donation to support the work of the Sophia centre established by the Dominican Sisters. We will host a special morning for VIPs to visit classrooms, gather in prayer, share in morning tea and celebrate Mass together at Sacred Heart Church.
This day provides us with a special way to honour and give thanks for the life of St Dominic and the way we live his mission today through our Dominican Pillars of Prayer, Study, Community and Ministry. We look forward to celebrating Dominican School as a place of great faith and learning where we live VERITAS to grow in God’s Truth & Love.
Martina Kovacev

CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who received Dominican Pillar Certificates:
Levi B, Alex K, Ivy M, Thomas M, Milla E, Cooper O, Sarina K, Ella Y, Brax L, Ian S, Bodhi S, Max T, Jenny P, Kelsey O
William B, Liam S
Aoife D, Zac N, Otto H, Jett R, Dylan D, Julian B, Isobel W, Sophie T, Max T, Remmie B, Oscar F, Laylah S,
Patrick M, Leo M, Evie R
Elijah I

In our Design and Technology lessons, we have been using Makers Empire and our new 3D printers to create bag tags for our school backpacks. First we had to come up with our design and create it on Makers Empire. Then, we sent our designs to Mr. Kosta, who used a special computer program to turn our 3D models into code that the printers could understand, so we could print them. Then, Mr. Kosta sent our designs to the 3D printers, which slowly built-up layers of plastic to form our bag tags.
Below are some of our printed designs, with the students who designed them.
Lisa Osborne

- Buy 1 big packet of chips rather than small packets because that will reduce plastic pollution - Kyan
- When you are at the beach put your rubbish in the bin so it doesn't go into the ocean and hurt the animals - Brooklyn
This term the SRC have been focusing on Student Wellbeing.
Following lunch on Tuesday members of our SRC visited each of the Reception and Year 1/2 classes where they led a short mindfulness activity which they had successfully planned and organised.
This was a great opportunity for the students to practice their leadership skills whilst being calm and mindful.
Kate Lose

Dear Parents & Caregivers,
Please see the following links to access the:
2022 School Performance Report
NCCD Parent Letter 2023
NCCD Fact Sheet for Parents Guardians and Carers
2023 Census Collection Notice
Should you require a hard copy of these documents, please see the Front Office Staff.



