Term 2, Week 8 2023

Dear Families,
Welcome to Week 8! I hope you are keeping warm and staying well during the start of this wet winter period. Over the past few weeks we have seen a spike in student absences due to illness. Thank you for keeping your children at home when they present with cold or flu-like symptoms and for advising the school when they are sick or if they test positive to COVID. This is vital to minimising the spread of infection and in the best interests of the health and safety of the school and wider community.
Last Thursday our 8 new MID YEAR RECEPTIONS joined us for their first transition visit. This was a wonderful opportunity for our new students to meet and get-to-know our current Receptions and their teachers, Ms Nofi and Mrs Siviglia. There were lots of happy faces and good times shared, drawing, constructing, doing puzzles and having fun outside on the playground. The Transition Program will continue for the next two weeks and Martina, Nick and I look forward to meeting with their parents this week for an Induction session. We warmly welcome Amelia, Fynn, Harlow, Henry, Lenny, Ollie, Rosie, SooHyeon and their families to our Dominican School community and wish them well as they get ready to begin their learning journey with us next term.
I am delighted to announce that STAGE 2 OF OUR MASTER PLAN is on track to commence early in Term 3. This $3,000,000 building project will involve the redevelopment and refurbishment of the upper level of the main building, with the support of a $1,000,000 capital grant and the approval of Catholic Education SA. The project will be in line with our state-of-the-art Stage 1 Early Years Ground Level Build completed in 2022, featuring contemporary, innovative and high quality facilities and spaces. It will include four new Learning Spaces, Maker Space, Think Tanks, Learning Nook, Literacy Hub, Sensory Room, Multi-Purpose Common Area, Integrated Library and Kitchen, Outdoor Deck, Performing Arts Space, Instrumental Music Tuition Rooms, Teacher Preparation Area, Meeting Room, and Student and Staff Toilet Amenities. Rua Hashlamoun and Michael Lambert, our architects from Brown Falconer presented the final plans to the School Board at our last meeting and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Please see below for the floor plan and interior design. This is the culmination of a lot of hard work, and I take this opportunity to thank our Brown Falconer Architects, Monica Moore (CESA Project Officer) and Jo Freer (Finance Officer) for their ongoing collaboration and commitment, along with the endorsement of the School Board and Catholic Education SA. This Friday the project will go out to tender with an anticipated start for works in Week 3 of next term. Our Pupil Free Day on Friday July 7 will provide us with the time required to ensure that the upstairs level is cleared and learning spaces are re-located, in readiness for the start date. This is a significant celebration for our school community and one to be proud of as we continue to strive for new levels of excellence.
On Friday, we received exciting news from our CESA Director, Dr Neil McGoran, of the appointment of our NEW PRINCIPAL, Angela Scodella. Angela is an experienced Catholic leader who brings a demonstrated commitment to ensuring excellence in faith, learning and wellbeing to this role. She will be a great asset to Dominican School. We look forward to welcoming Angela as our Principal to commence Term 3 and to her leadership of our school community to… Inspire Hearts and Minds to be the best we can be.
Have a great week.
Alison Tanti-Clark

One of the ways we put our faith in action is by supporting those in need. Our Year 6 Justice Leaders are promoting the VINNIES WINTER APPEAL to provide outreach to those who are doing it tough this winter. They have visited classes to raise awareness of the work of St Vincent de Paul and to discuss the items we are collecting to provide to our local Vinnies to help the needy in our community.
To further promote the Vinnies Winter Appeal, the Justice Leaders have organised WINTER WARMERS CASUAL DAY on Thursday 6th July, the last day of school. On this day, students are invited to wear their warm and cosy fluffy clothes to school and bring in a gold coin donation for the St Vincent de Paul Society. Our wonderful P&F have organised large freshly baked cookies from The Semaphore Bakehouse as a recess treat for the day. These will be $3.50 and are to be ordered via the Qkr app. The Winter Warmers Casual Day will be the last day to bring in any additional donations such as non-perishable food items, blankets, scarves, beanies, gloves and sleeping bags. These donations will go a long way to warming the hearts of those doing it tough this winter.
Our Dominican community is always very generous to giving to those in need and we thank you in advance for your support.
We congratulate Harrison L, Amelia L, Peyton P and Parker P as they celebrated the Sacrament of First Holy Communion over the last fortnight. They received the Eucharist for the first time at Mass with our Catholic parish community. May God bless them as they journey through faith. Special thanks to Sr Marie Egan for her coordination of the Family Faith Formation Program.
If you child is interested in being part of the Sacramental Program and celebrating their First Holy Communion and Confirmation, expressions of interest and further information regarding the 2024 cycle will be distributed later in the year.
Martina Kovacev

In Design and Technology students created dioramas of a chosen animal's habitat. They researched their animal to ensure they had accurate features and planned what materials to use. They considered what materials would be effective and how they could ensure it looked aesthetic. They thoroughly enjoyed their making day and should be proud of their amazing dioramas.
Genevieve Spencer
