Term 3, Week 4 2023

Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Our students have made a great start to the term and it has been wonderful to witness their energy and confidence they have brought to their learning. This is a tribute to them, to the support you give to them and to the work of our teachers, many of whom spend many hours throughout the week planning, programming and marking work.
This week we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption. Mary continues to be a role model for us all in showing love, kindness and compassion. May we continue to always look to Mary as a role model and a blessed apostle, who led with faith, truth and hope and who always inspired hearts and minds’.
Thank you to the parents who attended the Learning Conversations this week. These are a great opportunity to work in partnership with the school to provide the best learning and wellbeing outcomes for all our students. I remind parents that our teachers are available for parent teacher interviews at any time of the year. Should the need arise, please make contact with your child’s teacher to book a convenient time.
Next week, we celebrate Catholic Schools Open Week. This an opportunity to showcase the outstanding work we do here at Dominican and in Catholic Schools. If you have not already done so, I would encourage all families to follow the Dominican Facebook page, so that you can see regular posts about the great learning that is happening at Dominican.

Next week is Book Week. This year the theme is ‘Read, Grow, Inspire.’ The annual dress up parade will take place on Friday at 9am in the MFC and courts. Students are encouraged to dress up as a book character and to bring the book to the parade. We look forward to seeing the creativity of the costumes. All parents are welcome to attend the parade.
Please note that the next P & F Meeting is Tuesday the 22nd of August at 5:30pm. The P & F are an important part of our Dominican community who support our school with a number of fundraising initiatives. All are invited and welcome to attend!
Nude Food is a fantastic opportunity to educate children about how their actions can impact the environment and their health. Focussing on the positive message of ‘nude food = a healthy body + a healthy planet’, we want our students at Dominican to be empowered to choose healthy, rubbish free food for their lunches and snacks .
Every fortnight class data is collected and the class with highest percentage of Nude Food is announced and celebrated at assembly. See below for the results from the last fortnight:
RN - 72% RS - 81%
1/2AB - 68% 1/2D - 54%
3/4S - 65% 3/4L - 52%
5/6K - 47% 5/6OK - 45%
Congratulations to RS for your great efforts! It would be a positive step forward in looking after our environment, if all classes to be in the 80th percentile!
I hope that all families have a wonderful week.
With best wishes
Angela Scodella

Many thanks for your generous support of the Sophia Centre, established by the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Cross to work for justice in the world. We are grateful to all students, families and staff for contributing gold coin donations on St Dominic’s Day. We raised a total of $275 which will be forwarded on to the Sophia Centre to support their work in providing English Classes for Refugee Women and a child-minding service for their children. The Dominican Way is to live with love and in the spirit of Dominic, we are inspired to put our faith in action. Our school community is always so generous in giving to those in need and we thank you for your continued support.
I’ve left you an example of how you should serve and take care of those who are in need. For we must always cherish the words of our Lord Jesus, who taught, ‘Giving brings a far greater blessing than receiving.’ (Acts 20:35)
Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary,
a holy day that commemorates God taking Mary to glory in heaven. As a Catholic school community, this was a special time for us to pray and give thanks for Mary, the mother of Jesus, the mother of our Church, and the mother of us all. To honour Mary on this holy day, we gathered with Father Peter Sheedy, the parish and families for Mass at Sacred Heart Church, beautifully led by our Reception to Year 2 classes. This was a wonderful day of celebration as we rejoiced in the life of our Blessed Mother Mary, a woman of great faith and love who believed and trusted in God.

A little giving goes a long way… Charity is at the heart of living Catholic and each September we celebrate Catholic Charities month. Catholic Charities is our South Australian organisation that provides support to agencies making a difference to the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community, including Our Lady of La Vang and St Patrick’s Special Schools, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Centacare Catholic Family Services, and the Hutt St Centre. Today each child will receive a leaflet attached with a donation envelope for this year’s appeal. You are invited to make a donation via the reply paid envelope or online at adelaide.catholic.org.au/donate In the coming weeks, our Justice Leaders will be raising awareness of Catholic Charities with all classes and holding a whole school event to fundraise for the appeal.
Alison Tanti-Clark

We congratulate the following Dominican Award Certificate recipients for Week 1, Term 3 for demonstrating our pillars of Prayer, Study, Community or Ministry in their learning.
Awarded to Spencer 1/2D and Iris 5/6K for showing gratitude and sharing experiences of grace.
Awarded to Frankie 1/2AB, Peggy-Sue 1/2D, Brody 5/6OK, Tahlia 5/6OK, Emma 3/4L, Hunter 3/4L for working hard and showing improvement, persistence and dedication to their learning.
Awarded to Marley RS, Isaac RS, Deborah 1/2AB, Brayden 3/4S and Isabelle 5/6K for welcoming our new students, and being helpful and supporting others.
Awarded to River RN, Khloe RN and Kaiden 3/4S for being kind and considerate of others, showing a postive attitude and for creativity and imagination in sharing the story of St Dominic.

The Year 5/6 students have a focus on Chemical Sciences this term. Currently we are looking at changes between solids, liquids and gases. Our latest experiment was to use heat to compare the time it took to melt ice, butter, chocolate and wax. The students tested their hypothesis and recognised that many of their assumptions were wrong. The biggest surprise was the time it took to melt ice compared to other objects!
If you are interested in finding out more, come and see us in 5/6K!
Matthew Kosta

Last week students in 1/2D showed their buddies in 5/6K one of their favourite ways to wind down after lunch. As a group, students completed a 'How to Draw' video during relaxation. The classes were able to practise mindfulness, working in quiet companionship to follow instructions and create some fantastic artwork.
Our buddy classes are developing meaningful friendships and are always excited to spend quality time together!
Shenae Dougan
1/2D Classroom Teacher

Thursday 11th August saw the annual SACPSSA Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival held at the East Parklands for students in Years 3 to 6. We had 44 students attend from Dominican. They completed the 2km run with 2700 other students from Catholic Schools across South Australia. Congratulations to Remmie who came 2nd place in Year 6 girls Div A.
Well done to all the students on their remarkable effort on carnival day and also in the lead up during training sessions. We are very proud of you all. A big thank you to our parent volunteers who came out and helped with the events.
Congratulations to Alyssa, Tiger, Sierra, Remmie and Maverick who have been selected for the Port SAPSASA Track and Field Team. They will attend the State Carnival at the SA Athletics Stadium on Tuesday 19th September.
We also congratulate Jaeda who has qualified for the Port SAPSASA Golf Team. Jaeda will attend the Golf State Carnival on 7th – 8th September at West Beach Parks Golf.
We wish you all the best at your upcoming State Carnivals.
Martina Kovacev

Tips from our Reception students on 'What it means to be an ECO-WARRIOR?'
Mack: Being an eco-warrior means looking after our environment so we can save our animals and the ocean.
Evie: We bring nude food to school, so our rubbish does not fly away and hurt our animals and environment.
Catholic School Parents SA is hosting the following Parent Engagement Evening and we encourage our families to take up this opportunity:
Helping Children and Teenagers Respond to Friendship Difficulties and Bullying
presented by Madhavi Nawana Parker
Wednesday 20 September, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
St Mary's College, Adelaide
To register for this free event, go to the Events page on the Catholic Schools Parent SA Website




